Registracija za G$ GoodDollar. Vrlo jednostavna i platforma napravljena za sve .Svaka 24 h mozete pokupiti odredjeni iznos GoodDollara ,avec se sada moze mejnjati preko MetaMaska na Fuse network u sto znaci da nije nikakav scum i vrlo brzo ce mu izaci cijena. U svakom slucaju mozete ih cuvati na platformi GooDollar i njima kupovati odredjene stvari vec sada ako ih imate dovoljno , a u buducnosti kako cijen abude rasla …
Use my invite link and receive an extra 50G$ bonus
Juni 11, 2021, 9:29pm
Mogu li linkovi za fuse i za platformu za trgovanje(kupovinu stvari)?
Dole u dnu je marketplace trgovanje i kupvina . Pise GoodMarket i tu se registrujes da mozes i ti prodavati stvari ili kupovati .Hvala na pitanju .
This option allows you to stake DAI, and to donate your interest to back G$
This can only be done from a web3 wallet such as Metamask
You can always withdraw the staked money
Go to DAI smart contract address $1.00 | Dai Stablecoin (DAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan
Write contract
Connect your wallet
Go to 1. Approve and fill in the following
User: 0xEa12bB3917cf6aE2FDE97cE4756177703426d41F
Wei - insert the amount you want to stake + 18 zeros
Example - 1 dai = 1000000000000000000
You can simply approve 1 million DAI and stake as much as you’d like.
Click write
Approve transaction on your web3 wallet
Go to GoodStaking smart contract address SimpleDAIStaking | Address 0xEa12bB3917cf6aE2FDE97cE4756177703426d41F | Etherscan
Write contract
Go to number 11
Under amount enter the amount you want to stake in WEI the number you want to stake + 18 zeros
Example - stake 1 DAI = 1000000000000000000
Approve transaction
Unstake / Withdraw
Go to GoodStaking smart contract address SimpleDAIStaking | Address 0xEa12bB3917cf6aE2FDE97cE4756177703426d41F | Etherscan
Write contract
Go to 15. Withdraw stake
Click Withdraw
Approve transaction
Stake Your Fuse / Delegate Staking your Fuse
This option allows you to stake fuse tokens, and to donate your interest to back G$
Go to and
‘create a new wallet’ or ‘connect existing wallet’
On the top right change the Network from ETH to Fuse
From the left-side menu, go to ‘Contract’ and select ‘Interact with Contract’
Enter the ‘Contract Address’ 0xA199F0C353E25AdF022378B0c208D600f39a6505
Copy the ABI from the FuseStaking V3 contract . (You can select the ‘Copy ABI’ button.)
FuseStakingV3 (0x7FCA2B3E1047291f65c2C914083d970c027f4290) - Fuse Explorer
Paste the ABI into ‘ABI/JSON Interface’ on
You’re now interacting with this contract! Ready to stake? Select ‘stake‘ in the dropdown menu next to the contract address, and lock in your Fuse.
There are 2 staking options, chose the one with a single parameter for staking
Enter the amount you want to stake in Fuse tokens.
Click Write
Ovo sam postavio ako neko vec ima GoodDollar i inace da moze biti od koristi .
Juni 14, 2021, 11:10am
Tema prebačena u kategoriju “Investicije”.
Zamoliću vas da ubuduće ovakve teme stavljate u ovu kategoriju
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