Pokupite Gooddollar svakodnevno

Registracija za G$ GoodDollar. Vrlo jednostavna i platforma napravljena za sve .Svaka 24 h mozete pokupiti odredjeni iznos GoodDollara ,avec se sada moze mejnjati preko MetaMaska na Fuse network u sto znaci da nije nikakav scum i vrlo brzo ce mu izaci cijena. U svakom slucaju mozete ih cuvati na platformi GooDollar i njima kupovati odredjene stvari vec sada ako ih imate dovoljno , a u buducnosti kako cijen abude rasla …

Use my invite link and receive an extra 50G$ bonus

Mogu li linkovi za fuse i za platformu za trgovanje(kupovinu stvari)?

Dole u dnu je marketplace trgovanje i kupvina . Pise GoodMarket i tu se registrujes da mozes i ti prodavati stvari ili kupovati .Hvala na pitanju .


This option allows you to stake DAI, and to donate your interest to back G$

  • This can only be done from a web3 wallet such as Metamask
  • You can always withdraw the staked money
  1. Go to DAI smart contract address $1.00 | Dai Stablecoin (DAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan
  2. Contracts

  1. Write contract

  1. Connect your wallet
  2. Go to 1. Approve and fill in the following

  1. User: 0xEa12bB3917cf6aE2FDE97cE4756177703426d41F
  2. Wei - insert the amount you want to stake + 18 zeros
  3. Example - 1 dai = 1000000000000000000
  4. You can simply approve 1 million DAI and stake as much as you’d like.
  5. Click write
  6. Approve transaction on your web3 wallet
  7. Go to GoodStaking smart contract address SimpleDAIStaking | Address 0xEa12bB3917cf6aE2FDE97cE4756177703426d41F | Etherscan
  8. Contract

  1. Write contract

  1. Go to number 11
  2. Under amount enter the amount you want to stake in WEI the number you want to stake + 18 zeros
  3. Example - stake 1 DAI = 1000000000000000000
  4. Write
  5. Approve transaction

Unstake / Withdraw

  1. Go to GoodStaking smart contract address SimpleDAIStaking | Address 0xEa12bB3917cf6aE2FDE97cE4756177703426d41F | Etherscan
  2. Contract

  1. Write contract
  2. Go to 15. Withdraw stake

  1. Click Withdraw
  2. Approve transaction

Stake Your Fuse / Delegate Staking your Fuse

This option allows you to stake fuse tokens, and to donate your interest to back G$

  1. Go to myetherwallet.com and
  2. ‘create a new wallet’ or ‘connect existing wallet’
  3. On the top right change the Network from ETH to Fuse
  4. From the left-side menu, go to ‘Contract’ and select ‘Interact with Contract’

  1. Enter the ‘Contract Address’ 0xA199F0C353E25AdF022378B0c208D600f39a6505
  2. Copy the ABI from the FuseStaking V3 contract. (You can select the ‘Copy ABI’ button.)
  3. FuseStakingV3 (0x7FCA2B3E1047291f65c2C914083d970c027f4290) - Fuse Explorer
  4. Paste the ABI into ‘ABI/JSON Interface’ on myetherwallet.com
  5. You’re now interacting with this contract! Ready to stake? Select ‘stake‘ in the dropdown menu next to the contract address, and lock in your Fuse.
  6. There are 2 staking options, chose the one with a single parameter for staking
  7. Enter the amount you want to stake in Fuse tokens.
  8. Click Write

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