Ledger servers hack (scam)

Dobio sam jutros email od strane Ledger podrške u kojem se navodi da su bili pod nekim vrstama cyber napada, te da se postupi po uputstvu.

We’re sorry to inform you that Ledger has fallen victim to a cyber attack and that confidential data belonging to approximately 81,000 customers has been illegally obtained by an unauthorized third party.

You’re receiving this e-mail because the Ledger wallet associated with your e-mail address (rux@crypto.ba) has been found within those affected by the breach.

To be more specific, on 11th of November 2020, members of our forensics team have detected malicious software installed on one of the Ledger Live’s administrative servers.

Despite our relentless efforts, as of today, it’s technically impossible to make an accurate assessment of the severity of this data breach. Due to these circumstances, we must assume that your funds could be at risk of theft.

If you’re receiving this e-mail, it’s because you’ve been affected by the breach. In order to protect your assets, please download the latest version of Ledger Live and follow the instructions to set up a new PIN for your wallet.

Preporučuje se zamjena PIN-a za Ledger wallet, a ono što bi ja dodao je to da se dobro pripazite računara na kojima bi potencijalno mogao biti instaliran phishing sistem za Ledger/Trezor hardverski novcanik

Jesi izgubio ista i taman sam gledo neki ledger s za 50km nov. Steta sto ce ljdui izgubit coine

Ne posjedujem Ledger, a nije se desio hack uređaja, već njihovih servera.

Samo se pripazite i to je to

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Da ali ako su hackovali server imaju pristit source u (ako nije open source) i onda mogu nac potecijalne bugove za hackovanje ledger hard novcanika ali opet mozda nisu dotle dosi i najvjerovatnije ce sve bit uredu.

Mislim da je email scam

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Da bas sam gledao maloprije izvor maila, definitivno sumnjivo u najmanju ruku.

Cilj im je da se skine “latest” verzija software, a u suštini u pitanju je phishing za Ledger.

Dobro se pazite, ovoga će biti svaki dan

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