Cryptunit API - mini izazov (nagradni fond 1.8XMR)

Mozda nekog zainteresuje ovo takmicenje.

Nisu neke nagrade (doduše 1XMR je prije 2 godine vrijedio $1, danas oko $90, a dogodine - ko zna :slight_smile: ), ali nije ni veliki posao. Ako znate malo PHP-a, javascript ili bilo koji programski jezik, evo prilike da za par sati rada ubacite neki XMR u svoj crypto portfolio :slight_smile:

Propozicije su u prilogu, a ako imate pitanja… tu sam.

Create open source software basing on the Cryptunit API. Documentation: API | CryptUnit

Who can join?
Contest is open to all. You can join from anywhere in the world. The programmer’s world has no boundaries!

Your software must use Cryptunit API, must be open source, and should be fully functional and ready to be used by Cryptonight community. Source code must be available on Github (or another Git-based service). You must provide working demo.

You must submit your software (ready-to-use) by September 30, 2018. Winners will be announced by the 10th of October 2018.


  • Website widgets
  • Widgets for mining pools websites
  • Android apps
  • API integration

1st prize: 1 XMR
2nd prize: 0.5 XMR
3rd prize: 0.3 XMR

Each entry will be judged by Cryptunit and Cryptonote Community.

How to submit your entry?



  • All apps are preferred in English.
  • Entries submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • Should be originally. Should not violate any intellectual rights.
  • Participants may submit as many entries as they choose.